A flowchart is a graphical representation of decisions and their respective results mapped out in individual shapes that were first developed by Herman Goldstine and John von Neumann in the 1940's. Flowcharts provide a step-by-step diagram for mapping out complex situations, such as programming code or troubleshooting problems with acomputer. The picture to the right shows an image from Microsoft Visio, a popular program used to design and create flowcharts and diagrams.
Below is an example of a basic flowchart created in Visio that gives a good representation of their layout. As can be seen, you have several steps that may be followed systematically to help determine the cause of computer problem. Of course, this is just an example and not the full set of steps required to troubleshootcomputer issues.
Sequence | To download this chart, click flowchart_structure_sequence.flo.The flowchart above demonstrates a sequence of steps. The reader would start at the Start shape and follow the arrows from one rectangle to the other, finishing at the End shape. A sequence is the simplest flowcharting construction. You do each step in order. If your charts are all sequences, then you probably don't need to draw a flowchart. You can type a simple list using your word processor. The power of a flowchart becomes evident when you include decisions and loops. RFFlow allows you to number your shapes if you wish. Run RFFlow and click on Tools, Number Shapes, and put a check mark in Enable numbers for the entire chart. You can also choose to have a number or not in each individual shape and you can quickly renumber your chart at any time. |
Decision |
To download this chart, click flowchart_structure_decision.flo. This structure is called a decision, "If Then.. Else" or a conditional. A question is asked in the decision shape. Depending on the answer the control follows either of two paths. In the chart above, if the temperature is going to be less than freezing (32 degrees Fahrenheit) the tomatoes should be covered. Most RFFlow stencils include the words "Yes" and "No" so you can just drag them onto your chart. "True" and "False" are also included in most of the flowcharting stencils. |
Loop |
To download this chart, click flowchart_structure_loop.flo.
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